This year marks the sixth-annual Social Media Day. And while some may see this as another made up holiday like National Popcorn Day or Houseplant Appreciation Day (yes, Google it, those are both actual holidays), for Cielo, Social Media Day is a chance for us to reflect on the great candidate connections we’ve made and the jobs we’ve filled through the use of social media.
So to honor this holiday Cielo-style, here are just a few of our top recent social media recruiting success stories:
“While searching for candidates to fill a nursing position, I connected with an individual on LinkedIn who looked perfect for the role. She wasn’t looking to change hospitals, but ended up referring me to her father who was also an RN and WAS looking for a new nursing role. I was able to help him through the recruiting process, and he was hired for the job. Using social media in recruiting is all about connecting the dots. Take the time and care needed to build a great network and you will be rewarded!”
-Lori S.
“I was facing a deadline to fill a hiring class that still had open spots. I turned to Twitter to spread the world and have my network help share the job opportunity. Clicks happened and candidates started coming in. We ended up with a full hiring class! This was a good reminder about the power of few simple Tweets.”
-Sara H.
“Social media plays an important role in my diversity outreach strategy. Each month I partner with my client to choose an open position and a diverse group (Veterans, Women, Minority, etc.). I create custom Facebook ads targeting these individuals. This has allowed us to be more aggressive in reaching and connecting with diverse candidates and in seeing immediate results through instant candidate engagement.”
-Robin M.
Social media is about connecting and building relationships, and this could not be important than in the world of recruiting. The common trait between all of the above success stories? The smart, savvy recruiters behind the social platforms. As social media and technology continue to change the way we find top talent, it’s important to remember on a day like Social Media Day that, while social is a powerful tool, the value of real human interactions can never be replaced! Interested to learn more? Read our article “Technologize the Process. Humanize the Experience” to get our CEO’s take on how the digital boom has influenced people and HR, and how HR departments can capitalize on the changes to attract the best candidates.
Have a Happy Social Media Day and don’t forget to Like us on Facebook and follow us @CieloTalent.